Carpal Tunnel

Patients present to me every week with altered sensation in their hands, pain or both. This condition is by far the commonest cause. This condition has common associations with trigger finger and diabetes because it is caused by swelling of the tendons to the fingers that share the carpal tunnel with the Median Nerve. Tingling and pain often come on at night and shaking the hands relieves the symptoms. People with busy hands are often susceptible. Steroid injections, splints, hand therapy and postural adjustments are all worth trying. Surgery is a very effective treatment. The operation is usually performed under local anaesthetic and takes about 15 minutes in the operating theatre. General post operative advice is then followed.

The majority of patients have symptom relief within 2 weeks. Grip strength can be weakened for a couple of months. Return to work varies from 26 weeks depending on whether the work is heavy or not.


Carpal Tunnel Surgery


Distal Radius Fracture Surgery